Just two years ago, Andrews was a girl named Emerald and Hill was a boy called Luke and they have both undergone surgical procedures to change their sex, Sun reported.
Just over a year ago Hill, 19, a university student, had gender reassignment operation.
Andrews, 17, who got his breasts removed in June, told the publication that he hated his breasts and always felt like they didn't belong.
He asserted that now he finally feels comfortable in his own body.
He said that now when he is out in a public pool or lifting weights, no one raises an eyebrow.
Andrews, who is still in school, insisted that he could wear a tank top, which he couldn't before, and he can go swimming shirtless and just be a regular guy.
Andrews added to the tabloid that he feels lucky to have his family and Hill to rely on.
The couple met almost two years ago at a support group for transgender teenagers and bonded through their shared experiences.